Saturday, October 17, 2015

7.5 Project 2 Outline

The introduction

Provide quick summary of the claim the article is refuting (the uncanny valley).

The thesis (adapted or revised from one of your draft theses)

Use Thesis #3 from thesis drafts.

The body paragraphs

The article is broken into three sections, so I’ll look at each section at its own paragraph.  Paragraph 1 is the summary.  Paragraph 2 would be the history of the theory.  Paragraph 3 would be his counter-evidence.

Your analytical claims

I agree with most of his points in the first sections.  I’ll go over his methods, but have nothing much to argue or debate against.  In section 3 is where his argument falls short and that’s where I’ll likely spend most of my time analyzing what his says.

The support for each claim

The first two sections are all logical, and I’ll point out where he provides his logic and reasoning behind his claims.  Paragraph 3 shifts to more evidence from personal experience, which is a break from his previous form.  I’ll likely point out his fallacies in that area.

The conclusion

Sofge makes a good point in why we shouldn’t accept the uncanny valley, as it’s not proven by any metric.  I don’t agree with some of his evidence against the theory, as it boils down to ‘I saw some people who liked these robots other called creepy’.

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