Saturday, September 5, 2015

2.17 Annotated Bibliography in IEEE Style

2.17 Annotated Bibliography in IEEE Style

Source #1

Marine, Joe. (2014, Jan 01). Here's How the Controversial 'Photoshop' Music Video Was Created [Online]. Available:

This article focuses on a music video featuring a editing program used to make a woman appear more attractive. The video is a commentary on society's use of editing to improve appearance.

Source #2

Wong, Freddie. (2015, Aug 04). Why CG Sucks (Except it Doesn't) [Online]. Available:

This article/video attacks the misconception that CGI ruins movies by focusing on well utilized CGI the audience may have missed.

Source #3

Fournier, Alain et al. (1992). Common Illumination between Real and Computer Generated Scenes, [Online]. Available FTP: Directory: .snapshot/hourly.7/local/techreports/1992/ File: TR-92-38.pdf

This article, released in 1992, discusses the technique of compositing digital effects with real-life elements. This is an effect well in use today.

Source #4

Abbot, Stacey, “Final Frontiers: Computer-Generated Imagery and the Science Fiction Film,” Science Fiction Studies, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 89-108, Mar 2006.

This article discusses the use of CGI in the science fiction genre and how the two are linked.

Source #5

Kungar, Lauber. (2015 Aug 5). I want to take a moment to express my general appreciation that they BUILT that rolling robot, it's inspiring. CGI is CGI. Real is Magic. ™. [Online]. Available:

This is a tweet featuring a popular opinion that real elements in a film are intrinsically better than digital elements.

Source #6

Ihnatko, Andy. (2015 Jul 4). The core truth was, is, and always will be: “Bad effects are bad. Good effects are good.” [Online]. Available:

This is a tweet in response to an idea that digital effects are bad. The poster argues that bad effects are bad, but good effects are good.

EDIT: I read Deb and Christopher's bibliographies along with other's, and saw a lot of format's that I didn't recognize. No one seemed to be using IEEE, which is understandable since I've never heard of it before. Some of the more scientific fields seemed to have better sources than I could find, but that's understandable.

Source #7

Rose, Emily. (2013, March 7). Breaking Dawn Part Two - Bella Meets Renesmee. [Online Video]. Available:

This is one of the most popular examples of bad CGI I could find: the baby from Breaking Dawn: Part 2. This is popular for two main reasons: the seemingly unnecessary use of CGI to create a baby when obviously a real baby could have been used, and the perceived 'creepiness' of the not-quite-human-looking baby.

Source #8

York, Jamie, (2010, March 5) Hollywood Eyes Uncanny Valley In Animation [Online Transcript]. Available:

This is related to the previous source about the Twilight baby. It discusses a theory in robotics and animation known as the uncanny valley. Essentially, the more human and lifelike something becomes, the more accepting we are of a certain point. There is a point where a CGI element goes from a very lifelike model to looking like a human that has something wrong with it. Human beings are programed to notice the small motions and textures of a face, and when something isn't quite there it creeps us out.

Source #9

Shiftyzem, (2012) Does anybody else think live puppets, robots, and small scaled buildings should come back to get rid of this god awful CGI creatures, scenery, violence people half ass for movies? [Online] Available:

This is a popular opinion for the idea that CGI limits movies. The comment comes from the /r/movies subreddit from Reddit where people discuss CGI and movies. Some quotes from the conversation:

"no you're just getting old...
they have always made far more ****ty movies then good ones, cgi did nothing to change that." - J334

"I think a lot of people look back at the old creature puppets with rose tinted glasses. They look like they're physically there, sure but do they look like living breathing creatures with proper skin, muscles etc. ? For me, 90% of the time the answer is 'no'." - russkev

"Now, having done some CGI for commercials myself for about 10 years, I can sadly confirm that bad CGI is way more profitable (at least here in Albania). Good CGI is hard to sell because clients don't usually appreciate the kind of work involved to achieve good seamlessness. But make it a bit shinier than real life, make it scream "HELLO I AM THE 3D EFFECT YOU ORDERED!" and you can make a decent living. It's funny how even for the most basic crap, you can usually sell the thing at an extra 30-50%, if you make sure the client can "see the 3D". - zhubrixxx

Source #10, (2013, Aug 15) Top 10 Worst CGI Movie Effects [Online Video] Available:

This source list 10 different films that are known for their bad special effects.  It's usually films like these that affect people's notions about what CGI looks like.


  1. I've never even heard of IEEE before this. This was a good annotated bibliography that summarized the articles.

  2. I compared your five online sources and one periodical citations and they are all absolutely correct. Good job!

  3. IEEE is fairly new isn't it? You laid out a well thought out plan on sources and backed them well.

  4. GREAT job on your citations! You'll need to beef up your annotations (paragraphs after the citations). The homework asked for more information than just summary!
