Saturday, September 5, 2015

2.11 Evaluation of Social Media Sources

These tweets continue on the debate of whether CGI is ruining movies.  I managed to find two tweets on the topic.  One, by Chicago Sun Times columnist Andy Ihnatko, sums up a lot of what I hear people in the industry say: If you notice the bad CGI, it's bad.  You won't notice CGI done well.

Lauber Kungar, as far as I can tell, doesn't appear to be anybody important.  She's has few followers of her own and doesn't appear to make very many tweets.  This seems representative of an issue I ran into in this search:  people aren't as outraged by CGI as I thought they were.  Sure, I can find YouTube videos of '10 Films with Awful CGI", but I had assumed there were communities of 'CGI ruins movies' out there.  There really aren't.

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