10.6 My Rhetorical Action Plan
- Knowledge: If any animators or robotics enthusiasts are reading, they likely know of the uncanny valley and statistically accept it. A general audience may or may not know of it. I would need to introduce the topic either way.
- Values: Most of the audience would be scientifically oriented and hold values related to that. My paper doesn't contain any polarizing or divisive issues, so I don't need to worry about offending anyone (probably).
- Standards of Argument: The audience is potentially experts in technology and science, so published scientific research is essential. Translation is important for a general audience, but most of the people affected would understand.
- Visual Elements: The paper is about the uncanny valley, so images of robots that are supposed to illicit an uncanny response are essential.
- Purpose: I'm intending to change peoples' perspectives on how, why or if the uncanny valley is valid. It should motivate them through concise arguments and research.
- I'll likely choose a video as my genre for this project. The topic is visual in nature and my audience is technologically adept. A video may be the best way to reach them.
- Pathos will likely be used more in a video than in a writing as it's more visual and must engage the audience. The scientific nature of the topic requires above average logos to be used.
- Video clips, images and graphics will be used frequently, as the intended genre is video.
- It'll probably be informal as the format has the potential to reach people other than my intended audience and I would want it to engage them.
- Potential positives: acceptance of new theories or consideration at least. Negatives: rejection of new theories, reluctance to abandon current theory, cling to intuition of current theory.
- The most important are addressing the validity of the current theory.
- Explain current theory > Provide evidence for current theory > Explain issues with current theory > Provide alternative theories > Conclude argument.
You answered all of the questions very throughly and I am genuinely interesting in your topic after reading through your responses.