Saturday, November 14, 2015

12.4 Reflection on Project 3 Draft

I reviewed Felicia and Andrew's projects. 

  1. The purpose of my project is to convince people that uncanny valley shouldn't be taken too seriously since it has no real evidence.  I haven't actually posted my draft yet since I'm not done with it, but I feel it fulfills that fairly well.
  2. After reviewing other people's articles, I do want to focus more on my opposing groups as I want to convert them to my line of thinking.  After I publish my draft, I'll go back in and add more of their viewpoints.
  3. I'm revising for my opposition groups.  Before I felt I was preaching to the choir as I wasn't really addressing their points.  I'll reach out to them more.
  4. How will aspects change?
    1. Length will probably increase to account for other views.
    2. Format will still likely be a video.  I've worked in video and I feel it supports my arguments well.
    3. Appearance will probably involve a lot of graphics and visuals to show examples.
    4. Conclusion will change.  I'll probably side more with my opposition group than I planned.
    5. Structure will likely stay the same.  It was mostly informative with some attempts at humor periodically.
    6. I will try and get in depth.  All of my sources are published research and I should get pretty explanatory.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like after reviewing your draft you have decided on altering your audience or at least focusing more. I think you answered the questions well and that you have a good handle on how to revise your draft.
