Saturday, November 14, 2015

12.2 Punctuation, Part 1

Topic 1: The comma.  Especially unnecessary commas.  It's a bad habit of mine to put a comma there when I don't know whether or not it needs one.  Mildly parenthetical ones are an issue for me.

Topic 2: The semicolon.  I almost never know when to use a semicolon.  I would usually avoid using them at all times.  Knowing now that the two parts must be independent clauses now really helps me.

Topic 3: The quotation marks.  I never knew how to do quotes inside of quotes.  I would always just use more quotes.  Using single quotes was nice to know.

Topic 4: I just learned there's a difference between hyphens and dashes.  I've always used hyphens as dashes.  This is new to me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I didn't even know you can quote within a quote or that there was a difference between hyphens and dashes. I'll have to look into that.
